Ways to improve your health ~ health & slim center

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Ways to improve your health

Beauty tips and secrets, Food increase sex drive
The right kinds of foods, specifically vegetables & fruits are “musts” way to improve your health and fitness regimen. Anybody  wanting to stay happy & healthy cannot get away from them. Fortunately, some of these are excellent ways to improve your health and sex, as well. A good sex life requires moderate exercise, a positive attitude and a excellent balanced nutrient-filled diet. These up to improve your sex drive and your reproductive system, regulate your sex hormone level and protect you from potentially hazardous infections or diseases.

The following foods have been observed to way to batter improve your health. You can pick your favorites and start adding an extra “zing” to your sex life:

It all contains testosterone an odorless hormone release through male perspiration that turns on women . Wash deeply and clean some and cut into small pieces and Eat raw and start working. It is way to improve your health

2.Raw oysters:
That contain zinc and which raises sperm and testosterone production. It's also contains dopamine, a libido-increasing hormone. Raw oysters have ever been considered an aphrodisiac.
it place raw meat oysters on a plate with ice, then take freeze lemon over them & you should place on the bed room for you & your partner to be start shucking to turn both of you on.

Banana is best way to improve your health. Place half-peeled bananas on a dish and also place on the bed and table. Then have your partner start chewing on some, as you go along with her OK.
Bananas contain the bromelain enzyme, which to be improve sex drive & reverse impotence in men and They are also good sources of potassium and also  vitamin B, which increase the body’s high energy levels.

This is one of my favorites among fruits & The Aztecs called the avocado tree ahuacatl .The avocado contain high levels of folic acid, which give you more and more energy by metabolizing body proteins  and vitamin B6 which increases male hormone potassium, production, which helps regulates a woman’s thyroid gland and three elements that help increase libido in men and women.
a Preparing avocado for sex is erotic sufficient. Cut a fruit in half, scoop out the meat with your fingers & have your partner lick it off.

Crush some almonds & sprinkle on your salad to get the energy you need. other way eat them raw. Both ways won’t diminish its male hormone production capacity. The smell of almonds are also purported to arouse passion in female. This is best way to improve your health

These are high in libido-increasing amino acids & may improve sexual stamina. It is shape & sweet, juicy taste makes it highly pleasurable to human sense
Use figs as a part of your foreplay by having your partner eats it fresh, allowing the juice to run wild arounds her mouth, down to the chin. This must rev you up.

I never imagined this very lowly spice can spice sex up. Garlic contains Alicia an ingredient that increase blood flow to the sexual organs making it a well hedge against erectile a dysfunction. If the smell is too offensive, garlic capsules will works just as well.

It's impossible to know how many men got between a woman’s legs from a box of chocolates. A side from it is seductive allure, chocolate contain theobromine, an alkaloid similar to caffeine & phenylalanine, a chemical that produces a “being in love” feeling in women and Dark chocolate contain a high dose of anti-oxidants, which are best for maintaining the immune system. If your woman talk about how she loves chocolates, don’t let it passed. Another best way to improve your health
Man’s sexual awareness started after eating a fruit. It's just a natural consequence that his sexual prowess and staying power be improved by the same types of foods. We all love very much sex and we all we need sex. We ought to take as open-mindedly as we can for it's importance in building well & lasting relationships. It's not something filthy and shameful to bring into the open. other site, we do it everyday.